It’s been a while since the name came up, ever since Doomsday (the supposed killer of Superman) killed him, and I guess the rush of Supermen after (six, if I remember right) somehow made his charm a little jaded. But he is back!!! SUPERMAN RETURNS with Brandon Routh playing him(actually looks quite corny, I think we are past the Christopher Reeve look, even though he was awesome!) and Kevin Spacey playing Lex Luthor instead of Gene Hackman…Wonder how good he is going to be as the evil mastermind nemesis of the Man of Steel. After seeing Matrix Revolutions, I expected a DARK Superman but it looks as colorful as the old ones so I really hope its not him flying at an angle again!! Batman Begins really lifted my spirits up with respect to the comic world, PLEASE LET HIM BE BACK as the First and ONLY SUPERHERO(even though my favorite is Spiderman) to have captured the world for decades now! As always a layout dedicated to “Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a moving locomotive, able to jump tall buildings in a single leap” SUPERMAN! As always i have tried a comic like template for this, not the best, but scrolls till the bottom again :)
Layout taken off : can be viewed at
He is back
Faster than a speeding bullet........heh
damn neat layout fliped sides i see!
u know what would have been perfect addition to the layout? u in ur superman T - shirt!
love the layout.......ragnell should adopt this...checked her blog?? It's very neat!
Yeah man hope I'm not disappointed...the only movie adaptations worth mentioning so far are Batman Begins, Hellboy and X-Men....Punisher comes close...
I sooo want this to be a dark movie! But yeah Supes always had a clean, pretty boy look...think they have stuck to that reference by casting Brandon
yep flipped sides i did..hehe now that would just be funny on my post but it is a cool t-shirt!!
just checked it out, it is quite awesome have to go thro her blog in detail everytime i get time i think!! Yep X-men was quite good, spiderman was exactly like the cartoon so i liked it, Hellboy rocked, so did Punisher!!
On the fugly(fugly = f*ckin UGLY) side we have our fantastic four, Daredevil, Hulk, Ghost rider..any i left? well if they werent on the list there, im sure they are probably not worth mentioning!
love it, love it!love the layout!
FYI, ragnell is partial to female characters. Its a feminist thing.
just so you know.
danke danke!! :) well wait till i put up catwoman then...OH YES THAT was the other useless comic movie i wanted to add in the list heh :D
awesome layout again! n well, i havnt watched ne of d earlier superman movies... all of em wer released b4 i was born! n im not too keen on watchin movies dat came b4 me.. i saw 1 n i was left gapin at da screen, wonderin if i actually did watch a movie juz now or if i was caught in sum nightmare dat decided 2 unravel itself in da manner of a movie. dat wretched shit was "a clockwork orange". damn kubrick. i cudnt stand "eyes wide shut" either. i wonder if its even made 4 mainstream cinema. i think he juz shoots porn n den releases is like a normal movie wid bits inbetween :P errrr, point bein.. waitin 4 da movie! :D
danke to you too!! the supermen before i guess were the only adaptations of the comic at the time and actually the comic itself was quite a sight to see, maybe i can post a few of the sixties superman comics online to see how they wre back then! heh stanley kubrick is quite arty actually, i like his style sometimes but only sometimes! :)
hey cool layout man...
i hear there's gonna be a superman vs. batman movie releasing next year? that would be bloody funny.
of course, my source is shin jin so i dont know how reliable...
thanks da, now frozen on the new layout for now, well for once looks like shinjin is right, there seems to be a superman v/s batman in the offing even though it has been shelved quite a few times
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
thank you!!
but it would be better if you actually commented with your name rather than anonymous so i actually know whos commenting :)
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Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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