Monday, June 05, 2006

A static layout!

This is probably going to be my layout for the next few posts atleast, i like the look of this layout, alien v2.0 as i call it..i hope this will suit my needs for the time being, even though i love making new layouts!

I hope this layout is easy to the ppl who actually read my blog :), because i think i am going to freeze on this for the while, until something else strikes my attention!

Layout taken off : can be viewed at
Alien v2.0


Anonymous said...

damn neat ! want something like this for my portfolio (hint hint)

ps( do my eyes deceive me or do i see a hint of pink?? heh)

Yogi said...

thats more greyish than pink!!your eyes boo, too many medicines :D

Anonymous said...

tooo many medicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanes ....going blind it hink pink my eyes see pink.......think a blood vessel has burst

Mythreyee said...

looks sexy.. but white print on black is always a lil hard 2 read. not appreciated by frequent visitors usually, id say... eyes start hurtin easy...

Yogi said...


heh, true, but you can just strain a lil bit to read poor yogis words cant ya?? :), well maybe i will invert the colors in my next layout, or who knows, maybe even more colliding colors!:)

Mythreyee said...

argh... nenja touch pannita! :D yea yea, if i hafta get YOU 2 comment on MY posts, il HAFTA take sum trouble readin yer posts fully n commentin on em.. :P

Yogi said...


very very true! heh, but im sure you read my blog anyways(full confidence items!)

Anonymous said...

i like this layout!

Yogi said...



Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.